Taking care of others is noble. Taking care of yourself is a necessity. Kari Berit helps you stay Supported, Appreciated, Not Guilty, and Energized while giving care to a loved one. She calls this the S.A.N.E. Method.TM Learning small ways to recharge your batteries on a daily basis will not only benefit you, but will also make you a more loving caregiver.
Kari has spent her career raising awareness of the toll family caregiving can have on families, focusing primarily on the dynamics between adult children and aging parents. She is the author of The Unexpected Caregiver and Mental Fitness Guide, both published by Attainment Company. For 30 years, she has been addressing industry associations, private business groups, financial institutions, and religious organizations – helping professionals and families handle the disruptions that often accompany caregiving.
Join us at one of the locations for this free event offered by the Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics and its Foundation. Tickets available via Eventbrite. Seats are limited.