Pictured from left to right: Matt Dakopolos (Development Specialist), Christopher Gargiulo, Fred Gargiulo, Jim Bauer (Chief Development Officer)
Established in honor of Christopher Gargiulo, a former patient who triumphed over cancer, the fund aims to provide support for Salem Health staff members who find themselves in difficult situations facing unexpected financial crises. Christopher’s journey began when he was diagnosed with cancer at a young age. His battle was daunting, but many dedicated health care workers made a profound impact on his recovery.
Christopher shared his recollection of one instance of a health care worker who made an impact in his recovery. “One time I was in the hospital for treatment and kept refusing the food I was offered. They kept trying to get me to eat anything, but I didn’t want to eat because everything made me sick, and I couldn’t keep the food down. It was getting late, and I hadn’t eaten anything all day, and one nurse asked me what I wanted to eat, and I finally told her ‘strawberries.’ That nurse said, ‘Okay, I’ll get you strawberries.’ She clocked out for her break and drove to the grocery store and came back with strawberries for me. During those long days in the hospital, it was folks like her and many others that went above and beyond to make me feel like more than a patient. They saw me as a person and genuinely cared.”
The compassion and professionalism he encountered inspired him, his family, and friends at the Sternglanz Foundation, a private Foundation based in California, to envision a fund that would allow the Salem Health Foundation to extend assistance to its employees during their own challenging times. The Christopher Gargiulo Employee Emergency Fund is designed to address a range of financial hardships. Whether it is covering unexpected medical bills, helping with a car repair expense, or assisting with basic needs during a crisis, the fund aims to alleviate some of the burdens that employees might face.
By helping employees in crisis, Salem Health and the Salem Health Foundation recognizes the vital role that health care workers have in patient care. This initiative supports employees in times of need and fosters a culture of care within the hospitals and clinics. The Christopher Gargiulo Employee Emergency Fund embodies the spirit of compassion that Christopher experienced during his own fight against cancer. This employee assistance program serves as a powerful reminder that in a health care setting, support extends beyond patient care to include caregivers themselves, fostering a resilient and thriving community. The initial gift will fund this program as a test of change for two years. If you would like to donate to this program, please visit https://salemhealthfoundation.org/donate/