The West Valley Health Foundation board of directors identified three groups who demonstrated selfless care to our community and selected them for special recognition in the form of Community Health Philanthropy Awards. Western Oregon University, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Independence and Dallas High School are our three honorees.
Western Oregon University received the 2021 Community Leader Award for their extraordinary help to the area community by hosting the mass vaccination clinic in partnership with Salem Health and Polk County.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church was awarded the 2021 Community Spirit Award for their efforts to assist and support residents in need. Each week, their parish members committed to delivering food baskets to their vulnerable and food-insecure neighbors. They offered COVID-19 testing, facilitated COVID-19 vaccinations and coordinated flu shots. They selflessly made time to connect people in need to resources that would make a difference in their health.

The students from Dallas High School received the 2021 Community Altruism Award in recognition of their extraordinary fundraising efforts to raise money for women’s cancer services. Their efforts have provided critical access to women’s health services for underrepresented and vulnerable community members.
On behalf of the foundation board of directors and staff, we congratulate and thank these three organizations for the difference they made to the citizens of our communities.