Salem Health West Valley Foundation
Top Quality Medical Care in Polk County

- The Connections Van is a long standing partnership with Cherriots to provide wheelchair accessible transportation for Polk County residents who are in need. This service ensures our most vulnerable community members are able to make it to their vitally important health care appointments.
The Salem Health West Valley Foundation is dedicated to supporting West Valley Hospital and the rural communities it serves.
The Foundation strives to improve the health of the West Valley region through programs and initiatives that address the community’s distinct needs.
Gifts to the Salem Health West Valley Foundation have supported:
- Over $20,000 in scholarships are awarded each year to local students pursuing degrees in health care. Many have returned to the area to work at the Salem Health West Valley Hospital.
- The Healing Garden, constructed in 2018, created a restful oasis where patients, visitors and hospital staff can find peace and healing.
- Vital equipment for the emergency department such as an ultrasound machine for surgical services. These tools help provide our health care staff with the resources they need to save lives.
Salem Health West Valley Foundation News

Salem Health West Valley Foundation Golf Tournament Supports Aspiring Healthcare Professionals
A heartfelt thanks to all of the wonderful businesses and organizations who supported our 3rd annual Salem Health West Valley Golf Tournament. This fun-filled event

3rd Annual FORE! West Valley Golf Tournament (June 7, 2024)
We are excited to bring you our 3rd annual FORE! West Valley golf tournament. All funds raised are dedicated for scholarships to support Polk County
To make a donation to the Salem Health Foundation, click here.